Art, Artists and artworks, Engagement, Engaging the public, Exhibition Design, Love, Museums, Public Spaces, Uncategorized

immersive flower installations



Okay so while I was processing all the admin that I have to do, I got distracted and stumbled upon the fantastic flower installations by Rebecca Louise Law.

They are so amazing and beautiful.  They transform the space. They take nature inside and the relationship between indoors and outdoors is great.
It is a conceptually beautiful and intricate work and I am now obsessed with it.

Check out more below.

further readings:

Art, Collections, Curatorial, Engaging the public, Exhibitions, Heritage, International Museum Day, Memory, Museum Objects, Museum Storage, Museums, Photography, Uncategorized

happy international museum day

IMG_0848happy international museum day!

to celebrate i am sharing photographs from the tumblr people sleeping in museums. 

who hasn’t had a sneaky nap in a museum? they are the perfect place to rest your weary eyes and legs.

anyway happy international museum day and enjoy!


further readings:

Art, Artists and artworks, Children's art, Love, Museums, Photography, Uncategorized

people matching artworks



22289858_10159335362010034_7550888490226982480_o-59e7045f24312__700This is just so genius.

I adore these photographs.  They are from the French photographer, Stefan Draschan.

people-matching-artworks-Stefan-Draschan-24-59e69114e0b76__700These photographs are beautiful, funny and unique. They make a beautiful harmony between the work of art itself and the visitor. Take a look yourself. Enjoy scrolling and finding the matches.

people-matching-artworks-Stefan-Draschan-19-59e69188c0263__700further reading:

Art, Artists and artworks, Engaging the public, Public Spaces, Street Art

taking art out of the museum.


The Outings Project by artist and filmmaker Julien de Casabianca is about freeing anonymous museum figures from their museum confines. He reproduces the work on the public street. People may not know the painting, or the artist but by placing these figures outside the museum somehow more people can view the works.

Originally, Casabianca let one Ingres’ unknown figures free from the Lourve. Since then, people in at least 18 cities have posted similar anonymous characters from master artworks.  Casabianca says the global participation was completely unplanned and unexpected but he’s embraced the idea wholeheartedly.

Discussing the project, Casabianca states “we don’t want to tell you something that you don’t know, and we don’t want people to feel ignorant. You have just to feel that [the artwork] is ancient and shifted, you have just to be touched by the emotion, by the esthetic, by the art.”

Pretty awesome idea hey.

You can check it out here:










further readings:

Art, Artists and artworks, Photography

Artists in their studios


Artists in their studios. Enjoy it all.I am feeling inspired.

Edvard Munchfamous-artists-studios-muses-20__880

Georgia O’Keefefamous-artists-studios-muses-32__880

Roy Liechtenstein famous-artists-studios-muses-68__880

Alexander Kalderfamous-artists-studios-muses-104

Marc Chagallfamous-artists-studios-muses-106

Auguste Rodin famous-artists-studios-muses-113

Paul Cezannefamous-artists-studios-muses-114

Keith Haringfamous-artists-studios-muses10__880

Francis Baconfamous-artists-studios-muses21__880

Frida Kahlofamous-artists-studios-muses31__880

Jackson Pollockfamous-artists-studios-muses41__880

Salvador Dalifamous-artists-studios-muses51__880

further readings:

Art, Artists and artworks, Food Museums, Gluten-Free, Museums

the gluten free museum


So seeing as it is Passover at the moment and if you are celebrating it, you sadly have to ‘enjoy’ a wheat free week.  To make it easier somehow, I have found this awesome tumblr called gluten free museum (  It isn’t only for the people celebrating Passover but for anyone who is gluten intolerant and is getting so frustrated with all the artworks that have gluten in it. This tumblr magically removes the said gluten and tada you can enjoy the art without the gluten. Here are some of my fave images:

gluten free museum 3

gluten free museum 5

glutenfree museum 4

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glutenfree museum

glutenfree museum2

I should put the names of the artworks but to write this post so far has taken me over an hour (the joys of using public computers).  Hope the gluten free museum puts a smile on your dial.

further readings:

Architecture, Art

Bauhaus Lab 2015


Who wouldn’t want to have the opportunity to study and learn in the infamous Bauhaus (in Dessau)?

Well now is your opportunity!


The annual Interdisciplinary Lab at Bauhaus Dessau Foundation is taking place 4 May – 9 August, 2015.

Bauhaus Dessau is calling for expressions of interest from young professionals working in architecture, design, fine arts and curatorial practice.

The 2015 lab is titled ‘Cracks in the Curtain Wall – Beyond an Architecture of Cleanliness’ and will focus on the new material culture of modern architecture from a little noticed perspective – cleaning. The program will end with an exhibition at the Housekeeping Fair 2015.

Participation in the lab is free. To join, applicants are required to complete statement of interest. An international jury will choose eight participants by 4 April.

More information below:
